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I let the car drift some

Eye your uncomfortable pose in profile

The postures of long drives

That endless cycling of your numb and near sleeping parts


And you lean much harder than you need

When the road curves

Swerve through traffic

And the cracks in the ground

Every gesture you require

Of a drive like this night

When you fight now

You just head out of town


I let the wheel go

Over center lines

Inside a place without time

A loop through history

Eye you in periphery

Now prone in the passenger seat

It’s a mystery

The ways you can sleep


I want to leave here

For where nobody goes

I want to breathe in the air of all

Those sprawling ancient spaces on earth

You said we’re so scared of alone

And I knew what you meant

You want to go where it glows

All those places where your watch doesn’t work


You were riding those nights

On the highway, always hiding out

Inside a songwriter’s dream there

Like a scene from a song

“Born to Run” or maybe “Running on Empty”


Ones where they would leave

Certain nights when you’d fight

You couldn’t stick around

So you’d head out of town

Just hit the highway and drive

Certain nights when you’d thought it was fine

But it shook you when the baby would cry


Why did you always turn around in the end?

To hear the shattering of glass on the door again?

So loud the baby couldn’t sleep any more?

What didn’t you find that you were looking for?


Your mother called a hardware

Set you up an interview

An answer to an ad

The bosses’ daughter still remembers dinner where her father

Said he wouldn’t stick his neck out for trouble again


But they did then

And those days you’d wake up

And just decide you wouldn’t show

He’d show up at your door

Nights you’d skip town

He’d follow you out

Pretty soon you started falling for their daughter

And she fell for you


Drive, roll every window down

Let the desert enter, heavy and primitive in

Drift ’til rumble strips sound

Time moves so slow but I know

That you meant what you said

You want to go where it’s frozen

All those places where the highways don’t reach


You want to go where it glows

Somewhere that time is irrelevant

You want to go where it glows

Somewhere the spaces are infinite


You want to go where it glows

Somewhere you don’t feel the hours pass by

You identified the flowers on the road

I rolled the windows down and shut off the radio


Did you ever think you’d end up here?

All those late nights you were driving alone?

You were riding to hide

Or you were looking for a brand new life

Did you ever think you’d find one back home?


Did you even think you’d get out alive?

Could you imagine then, the love you now know?


I think history’s a system of roads

And there’s nowhere it doesn’t go


I pulled over to the side and felt no time

Off the highway with the landscape aglow

Still not sure what we were trying to find

I only know we went home