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Harder Harmonies


Like a shadow on a shadow

A phantom in a film strip

Faint glimmer of the past

Trapped in mother’s old slides


Sits still in the apartment

While sifting through some pictures

Of the child that he once was

And the sense of hope they framed


“It’s a shame”

And I fear that fate

While the humming from the street

Keeps me awake


He says, “I let life get twisted

Get worn out, torn up

And late with the rent

And now nothing makes sense


Except the bench and that piano

A feeling nearing order when I’m

Pressing down the chords”

And he plays


And it swells and breaks

But what’ll it take to make

My life sound like that


And brings a fever

A dream of sweat and ecstasy

A kiss on every hammer hit

That follows as the keys fall


Down and bring an order first

Then chaos, then a calm

That paints every shift in

Murals on the wall


And it presses to your neck

It clutches to your hips

Softly sings to you of fireworks

And God and art and sex


And it’s strange

That it feels so right

When nothing else does


But all the while he’s playing

There’s a humming coming up

And through the window from outside


And even he has to admit

A certain melody in it

But then, why can’t he harmonize?


It’s like the city’s got its own song

But he can’t play along

He sees the notes as they fly by

But always plays them wrong


And in the bathroom, it gets blurry

Gets warm and distorted

Like light pushed through the orange

Of the pillbox he poured in his palm


It falls to the floor

He smiles as it hits

Sounds a little like an instrument


Like a voice in the choir

That hum and that drumbeat

Of life as an art-form

And fire through the streets


That keep moving us in silence

To phantom baton sweeps

Keep tapping to the tempo of our feet


And all the ones

Who seem to fit

The best into the chorus

Never notice there’s a song


And the ones who seem to hear it

End up tortured by the chords

When they fail to find

A way to sing along


And when you sing the wrong thing

It all starts collapsing

Starts to ring out and feedback

Starts lapsing and crashing


On notes that don’t clash

But that never quite feel like they match

And I never quite feel like mine match


There’s a melody in everything

I’m trying to find a harmony

But nothing seems to work

Nothing seems to fit


There’s a melody in everything

I’m trying to find a harmony

But nothing seems to work

Nothing seems to fit


There’s a melody in everything

I’m trying to find a harmony

But nothing seems to work

Nothing fits