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Matter of Time


Pull back the curtain

The one behind it has a different face

The inner workings

The gears are turning at a different pace


Time will change us all


The more that you question

The more the answers aren’t what you want to hear


We fight to conceal the truth, but it’s all a matter of time

Of time

The years wasted, persuaded to smile when it feels so wrong inside



Honesty or deception?

You can only hide it for so long

But we choose to be silent

Stick to the story


We fight to conceal the truth, but it’s all a matter of time

Of time

The years wasted, persuaded to smile when it feels so wrong inside



How can we let ourselves

Continue this routine

The artificial beat

Of a heart that’s long since ceased


How can we let ourselves

Continue this routine

The artificial beat

Of a heart that’s long since ceased


We fight to conceal the truth, but it’s all a matter of time

Of time

The years wasted, persuaded to smile when it feels so wrong inside

Inside (Inside)


We fight to conceal the truth, but it’s all a matter of time